Health & Mobility

In a country where more than 90% of elders have to work to survive, affording quality medical care is a far dream. People are living longer, the Oldest Old, those 80 plus, are estimated to reach 53 million by 2050. 88% of the Oldest Old (80+) suffer from chronic ailments such as hypertension, asthma, arthritis, heart problems etc. HelpAge’s Mobile Healthcare program seeks to provide sustainable healthcare solutions to destitute elders and their communities where these are not available through its Mobile Healthcare Units (MHUs). Each MHU has a doctor, pharmacist and social worker. These MHUs go into the interiors of urban slums and villages, bringing healthcare virtually to the doorsteps of these destitute elders. For most elders, it saves them from the long lines at hospitals which are also situated far from their communities and they get free medication every month. Their patient card keeps a record of their treatment and helps monitor their progress.

These MHUs often conduct specialised health camps on various diseases and free health check-ups are conducted. The MHUs have also become awareness-generating sites, with the social worker empowering the disadvantaged elderly with information on various diseases, along with educating them on the various preventive measures that can be taken to prevent the onset of any deadly disease. HelpAge’s MHU service has been recognised as Asia’s largest mobile healthcare network for elders. Currently, 152 MHUs are servicing 1920 community locations, spread over 22 states, and have provided 3 million treatments.

Our Commitment

At Saanvi Foundation, we recognise that health is a fundamental right, and access to proper healthcare services and mobility solutions can transform lives. Our Health & Mobility initiatives are designed to address the healthcare needs of underserved communities and improve the overall well-being of individuals.

What We Do

Healthcare Outreach Programs:

We organise health camps and outreach programs to provide medical services to communities with limited access to healthcare facilities. These programs include general health check-ups, immunisations, and awareness sessions on preventive healthcare.

Medical Support for Vulnerable Populations:

Saanvi Foundation collaborates with healthcare professionals and institutions to offer medical support to vulnerable populations, including children, women, and the elderly. We strive to ensure that everyone has access to essential medical care.

Mobility Assistance:

Recognising the importance of mobility for independence, we assist individuals with mobility challenges. This includes the distribution of mobility aids such as wheelchairs, crutches, and prosthetics to enhance the quality of life for those in need.

Health Education and Awareness:

We believe in the power of education to prevent diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle. Saanvi Foundation conducts health education and awareness campaigns, emphasizing the importance of nutrition, hygiene, and regular medical check-ups.

Partnerships with Healthcare Providers:

To extend the reach and impact of our Health & Mobility initiatives, we collaborate with healthcare providers, NGOs, and government agencies. Together, we work towards creating a comprehensive and sustainable healthcare ecosystem.

How You Can Support

Donate to Health & Mobility Programs:

Your contributions enable us to reach more communities, provide medical assistance, and enhance mobility for individuals in need. Consider making a donation on our Donation page and selecting the Health & Mobility fund.

Volunteer for Outreach Programs:

Join us in making a direct impact on the ground. Volunteers play a crucial role in organising health camps, distributing medical aid, and spreading awareness. Visit our Get Involved page to learn about volunteer opportunities.

Spread Awareness:

Help us amplify our message by sharing our Health & Mobility initiatives on social media. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay connected and share our updates with your network.

Join Us in Making a Difference!

Together, we can create a healthier and more mobile world. Your support allows us to continue our mission of providing healthcare services and improving mobility for those who need it the most.