Garment Distribution

Garment Distribution

Providing Clothing, Spreading Warmth

Saanvi Foundation recognises the significance of necessities, including clothing, in ensuring the well-being of individuals and communities. Our Garment Distribution program aims to provide warmth and dignity through the distribution of clothing to those in need.

What We Do

Winter Clothing Drives:

Saanvi Foundation organises winter clothing drives to collect and distribute warm clothing items, including jackets, sweaters, hats, and blankets. These drives are especially crucial during the colder months to protect vulnerable populations from the harsh weather.

Distribution to Vulnerable Populations:

We prioritise distributing garments to vulnerable populations, including homeless individuals, refugees, and those affected by natural disasters. By reaching out to these communities, we aim to provide not just clothing but also a sense of care and compassion.

School Uniform Initiatives:

Ensuring that children have access to school uniforms is essential for their education. Saanvi Foundation supports initiatives to distribute school uniforms, promoting inclusivity and removing barriers to education.

Clothing for Special Occasions:

During festive seasons or special occasions, we organise garment distribution programs to bring joy to individuals and families, ensuring they have appropriate clothing for celebrations.

How You Can Support

Donate Gently Used Clothing:

You can contribute to our Garment Distribution program by donating gently used clothing items. Visit our Donation page to find out how you can support us through in-kind donations.

Volunteer for Distribution Events:

Volunteers play a crucial role in organising and facilitating garment distribution events. If you would like to contribute your time and energy, visit our Get Involved page for volunteer opportunities.

Sponsor a Clothing Drive:

Consider sponsoring a clothing drive in your community, workplace, or school to gather garments for the Saanvi Foundation. Contact us for support and guidance.

Join Us in Spreading Warmth and Dignity!

Saanvi Foundation believes that everyone deserves access to basic necessities. Your support enables us to continue our Garment Distribution program, spreading warmth and dignity to individuals in need.